Lesson from a Lion.
A prayer.
“We lions are mighty creatures.
You admire us, but have you looked at how we spend our days?
We bask in the sun.
We nap.
We lay around and observe the world.
We blend into our surroundings.
And, when it is time to act, we act.
We have incredible physical strength and agility, but we use it only when the moment asks.
Do not become so obsessed with our actions, that you forget how our time is spent.
Do not forget the basking in the sun.”
We humans are so good at honing in on that moment of action. We are masters of pigeonholing the perception of ourselves and others to those slivers of performance.
Just because one cannot applaud you for basking in the sun does not mean it's not holy.
Just because no one saw you admire the red-winged blackbird does not make the act less noble.
Divinity can arise in a slow wave that no one needs to see.
Great achievement does not need to be touchable, readable, consumable, or articulateable.
By sharing in a moment with yourself, by sharing in a moment with the morning sun, you have shared with everyone and everything.